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Survive and thrive in community with each other and with us. My Heart Spark P.C. is thrilled to present Heart Beach Garden, in collaboration with Preventive Cardio-Oncology LLC. In Heart Beach Garden, find serenity and tranquility, where your heart can heal physically and emotionally with the feeling and essence of being in a garden by the beach. It's a total vibe.


Let's head over to Heart Beach Garden together to get you a subscription

and set you up for awesome experiences in our community - now your community too. 


Heart Beach Garden is our signature concierge community

in collaboration with Preventive Cardio-Oncology LLC.

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To bring people together to mutually provide emotional and social support to help you survive and thrive in commnunity.

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To serve as your community

for serenity and tranquility

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My Heart Beach Garden Black Lady Portrait - No QR code.jpg
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